If guns and tanks and soldiers equaled security and safety, Goma might be one of the safest places on the planet right now.
Every other vehicle you pass on the roads into the IDP camps seems to be an armoured vehicle of UN peacekeepers...mostly Indian...or a lorrie transporting government forces or police forces of various loyalties...I feel like I need a program to keep up with who exactly the forces at work here are.
Taking pictures of peacekeeper vehicles was probably not one of the smartest moves I made, (I remember yelling at Jeff Frumm when he was shooting photos of rioters outside of ElDoret during the Kenya chaos earlier this year.)
For all the military presence, people are still terrified...One woman in the Norwegian IDP camp told of being raped by soldiers in her village, then when she was 'rescued' by rebels, she was further abused throughout the night by her rescuers.
While the cease-fire talks continue in Nairobi between Congo military and the Laurent Nkunda led CNDP, the rebel armies are just 3 kilometers from our IDP camp...just over the ridgeline.