Friday, March 7, 2008

On the Road Again...

I know this blog is titled Pastor Steve's KENYA Relief...but I don't think I should create a DIFFERENT blog for every place I go. 'Pastor Steve's Crazy Cambodian Campaign', 'Big Daddy's Oaxacan Adventure', or 'Comrade Steve's Soviet Journeys''s all a bit much...let's just meet HERE and you can see where I am from day to day.
Speaking of today... I woke up this morning with a thought that has become all too familiar... 'Where the heck am I this morning?' I looked out my window and saw the Livobareshno Metro station and the Dneiper River...for some of you that's a big clue...for others, no clue at all. I'm on the Left Bank in KIEV, UKRAINE. It is still winter, but the sun was out yesterday and the city is absolutely beautiful. Kay Warren and members of her family and AIDS/HIV Initiative will be here tomorrow for 4 whirlwind days of ministry in Ukraine. Kay will be speaking at Pastor Anatoly Koluzhney's New Life Church for 3 Sunday Services... (Pastor Anatoly was the first Soviet era pastor to receive Rick Warren's 'PD Church Health Award')...following the services Kay will address a women's conference for 800 Christian leaders from around Kiev and visiting the home of one of the AIDS families at New Life. We'll be meeting on Monday with Christian leaders from the Orthodox, Baptist, Pentecostal and Evangelical communities and discussing their church's approach to the AIDS crisis in Ukraine. If you read Russian you'll love this press release about Kay's visit...

On Monday night we go by train (photos coming) to the city of Mariopol, Ukraine on the coast of the Azure Sea. We will be meeting with Pasor Ghenady and his congregation Church of Good Changes (one of the great names in church history!) Ghenady is a real champion of orphans and street kids outreach and Kay will be visiting his church's ministries to the drug addicted kids Mariopol. In Kenya the street kids turn to glue and 'changa' (street brew) Mariopol they shoot Tramadol and heroin... I'm talking about 10-year-old orphans and runaways. Tramadol is a super strong pain reliever like morphine or oxycontin, but on the mean streets a young boy or girl can easily get high for a few cents or a sexual 'favor'. The results are tragic and widespread...addiction to Tramadol is quick, for many kids it is IMMEDIATE, on their first high. And coming off the drug is a nightmare of pain, sweat, tremors and vomiting. No one...absolutely no one cares for these street kids, but their drug dealers and the Lord Himself. Take a look at a few of the street kids that have come under the care of Pastor Ghenady's 'Pilgrim' homes.

I LOVE getting your comments while I'm on the road, so if you have a moment, click on 'comments', log in and send a word. Megan weeds out whackos and bill collectors.


  1. I'm amazed at how much my heart breaks for Ukraine though I've never been there.
    I remember finding a box of photos when I was your assistant and crying over these children...that has to be my next trip!

  2. Pastor Steve,
    Thank you for all you've done and continue to do for the children we love SO much in Ukraine.

    The look on that boys face in the middle picture is compelling - the pain in his eyes just cries to know the love of Christ. What a blessing it is to minister to and love these young kids.

    I'm counting the days until I'm in UA again - meanwhile give them hugs for me.
    ( Allison - Ukraine trip October!)

  3. wow -- my heart is breaking for these kids Steve! When I was in Ukrain with you a few years ago I don't think we worked with these type of kids at's sad to think of the millions of kids around the world who suffer on a daily basis because of drug abuse... Thanks for the updates...I think your blog should be named 'Comrade Steve's Soviet Journeys'...classic!

  4. Pastor Steve, glad that you made it safely to the first leg of your over month-long trip. It's exciting that this time, you have people meeting you in each country. I am so glad you have this blog (and Megan monitors the wackos!) so we can all read about what you're doing and know how to pray. Can't wait to see you when you get back to the southland.


  5. Hi Steve:

    I was hoping to hear from you on this trip. I praise God for what he is doing in Ukraine and how he is using you, Kay, Elizabeth, Andrew, Vlad and the others who are traveling with you. Scott and are praying for the team and for our friends in Ukraine and for the lost. I marvel at how God is working and bringing good out of the most tragic situations. Glory to God. Take care... Mary
    Proverbs 17:17

  6. My heart breaks for these precious children...a picture IS worth a thousand words! Thanks for shedding light to situations like this, that may otherwise go unnoticed. I, for one, was clueless!! As you continue to be an awareness raiser, it encourages us to think with our hearts.

    Megan...Kudos 2 U ! I can't thank you enough for establishing this blog for Pastor Steve.

  7. We are continually amazed at all God is doing through you in so many countries. It was great to hear about all the great things happening in the Ukraine, about Vlad and Ghenady and all they are doing -- you guys are truly amazing! It brought back fond memories of Kontraust! (or however you say it) when I read the story about the sauna. We will be praying for the three young ladies that you recently met (what bright and shiny faces!). God bless you and keep up the good work! It is truly a priviledge to go on a PEACE trip with you. It is clearly evident that you are abiding in Jesus and we learn a lot from association with you, both on trips with you and by reading about what you are doing on various PEACE trips.
    Thanks for all you do, Pastor Steve!
    Jack and Gail

  8. Oh my Steve, I am praying for you and all the amazing works that God is doing and will keep doing through you and others there. Keep going strong and there will be so many treasures in heaven because of YOU!

    praying for you
    Isaiah 41:10,13
